This paper cutting was published in The Telegraph on 10th August, 2012....
WBJEE e-Counseling 2012
E-Counseling Process Of West Bengal Joint Examination...
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Friday, 20 July 2012
Paper Cuttings
This paper cutting was published in The Telegraph on 14th July, 2012....
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I have manipulated the 'Posting Dates' of each posts on the blog so that the older posts can comes at first than the newer ones. You will find that the recent news is at the last and the older ones at first so that you can get a complete and systematic idea of WBJEE e-counseling 2012
Thursday, 12 July 2012
E - Counseling 2012
Hi guys, I appeared for WBJEE in 2012, the year in which the first e - counseling started. As expected we had to face a lot of problems. Had to do a lot of field work to get a clear idea of the e- counseling process. Attended a number of career fairs and seminars to get a complete idea of the college and the probability of getting chances. So this blog is dedicated to all those students who are appearing for WBJEE 2013 or after so that you don't have to face any sort of problem which we have faced. Hope this blog will give you a clear idea of the process and also my "Personal Experience" column will give you a clear depth idea.
I'm telling you the process of 2012 counseling. If in 2013 or after 2013, the NIC board changes the whole process then I'm really sorry. But as far as I judged our government bodies, it won't change anything. Rather it can modify some portions. But don't worry I think in order to carry out the process you should have the basic idea which will not be a waste.
In 2012, the engineering students of
West Bengal especially the one who is not well accustomed with computer had to
face a lot of problems due to the lack of information, clarity and poor architecture of
the E-Counseling Software designed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC),
Government of India.
The e-Counseling process can be
accessed by any candidate through having General Merit
Rank (GMR) of JEM 2012 (Engineering) and/or All India Rank (AIR) of AIEEE 2012
(Engineering and/or Architecture). The process can be divided into four
categories and subsequent sub-categories which are as follows:
e - Registration:
e - Registration:
- Online creation of User-id and Password
- Uploading of Academic details
- Finalizing eligibility criterion
- Generation of e - Challan and taking print-out of it
- Deposition of Registration fee i.e. Rs. 500/- in any of the Core Banking Service (CBS) enabled United Bank of India (UBI) branches
- Uploading of fee-deposition details through web-application using the generated User-id and password;
Personal Experience:
Before Registering, you have to create
a new account. While creating the new A/C you will be prompted three options:
- Through JEE: Here only your WBJEE rank is considered
- Through AIEEE: Here only your AIEEE rank will be considered
- Through both JEE and AIEEE: Here there is some trick. The software will judge your two ranks. It will then automatically decide which rank is better, than accordingly you will be given the seat. If your AIEEE rank is not good don’t ever think of opt for this option because it won’t give you two outcomes or two choice. Only one outcome you will get and if you are not happy with that you have to go for the 2nd round of counseling. Besides, there is risk if you opt for this one. Here you will be judged by your all India Overall Rank not the state one.
Suppose your AIEEE rank is slightly better than Joint and so you thought that there is better chance of getting a good college through AIEEE. But since you don't want to take any risk (which is very natural) you opted for option 3 i.e. through both AIEEE and Joint. Accordingly you selected suppose 3 colleges:
Colg A – through AIEEE CSE
Colg B – through AIEEE IT
Colg C – through JEE CSE
Now the software will give more
priority to AIEEE rank. So it will try to match the case under AIEEE first and
then Joint. Suppose you are getting IT under AIEEE in colg B and you are also
getting CSE under JEE. But the software will only reserve the IT seat for you
not the Joint as the AIEEE priority is much more than Joint.
In AIEEE only 10%
seat is reserved in all the college under WBUT while in WBJEE 80% seat is reserved. So the probability of
getting the chance through WBJEE gets increased even if your rank is not so good.
You will also be asked whether you are
SC/ST/TWF. If your rank in these categories is good then only go for it. Otherwise go for the general one. Because only a small
number of seat is reserved for the backward class. See I'm not sure but I
think its 7% of the total seat that is reserved for the SC/ST/TWF.
You can also check the opening and closing
rank of the previous year that will help you a lot in judging the college and also
will help you to give a clear idea of the college in which you might get the
admission. Click on the below link to view the opening and closing rank of the previous year:
The User ID will be your Roll Number printed in
the WBJEE Admit Card. You
can give any type of password according to your choice but the following
criteria should be matched in order to get the password accepted by the e - counseling software:
- There should be atleast one Uppercase or Capital Letter [eg. A or B or C etc.]
- There should be atleast one Lowercase or Small Letter [eg. a or b or c etc.]
- There should be atleast one digit [eg. 1 or 2 or 3 etc.]
- There should be atleast one special character [eg. ! or @ or # etc.]
After uploading the academic details, you will be prompted to print the e-challan. I will suggest to do the whole registration in Internet Explorer ( version 6 or above) instead of using Chrome, Mozilla or Maxthon because the echallan will give three bank receipt – Bank’s copy, Candidate’s copy and JEE’s Copy. If you are using any other explorers than the three bank receipts will not come together. One will be printed separately in another page. It won't create much problem but still to be on the safe side because you know how the West Bengal Government Body works.
After printing the e - challan go to any UBI branches to pay the registration fees of Rs. 500. All
UBI branches have the CBS (Core Banking System) facility. So, it won’t be a
problem much. I will suggest you to visit an UBI bank that is nearest to your home so that you can save your time..
After submitting the registration fees, carefully update your E –
Challan. If you make a single mistake your whole account will get locked and it’s
useless to visit the WBJEE main office for help. They will give you some stupid advice and you might face some grave problems in the future. At-least in 2012, I saw many students facing a lot of problems and the staffs are unable to give proper information. An incident happened: a student has accidentally locked his a/c and he can't put up his choice. The WBJEEB staff told him to create any a/c by putting a different name. You will find that when you will be creating the a/c it will ask for some information and will verify your details. After verifying it gives your rest details on its own. So when the students gives a wrong name how will he open a new a/c?? The software will forbid him to open it.
Anyway, try not to depend on the WBJEE board as much as possible. So be careful when you are
updating your challan. Once the challan is updated you can roll over to the
next phase – Choice Filling.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Allotment of Seat and Remote Admission at Reporting Centre
Allotment of Seat and
Remote Admission at Reporting Centre:
- The locked choices will be considered on the basis of Merit Rank of the Student vis-à-vis the choice exercised by the candidate besides availability of seats in the respective category and allotment will be made thereof.
- A choice given by a higher ranked candidate will be given preference over the lower ranked one.
- Benefits of reservation will be extended as per extant provisions of the Government of West Bengal, in vogue;
- A candidate must exercise maximum number of choice for better placement;
- Candidates having both AIR of AIEEE 2012 and JEM 2012 and given a single set of choices during Choice-filling shall be allotted a seat which will be Choice-superior in one’s set of choices through allocation process considering all seats under both AIEEE and JEM.
- On being allotted a seat amongst approximately 32,000 in the state; the candidate will be intimated through SMS, e-mail, if provided otherwise by posting on their respective web-page which one can access by using securely generated User-id and Password;
- After such allocation, a candidate willing to get admitted should approach any one of the twenty-five Reporting Centre in West Bengal and one in Tripura at Agartala;
- At Reporting Centre, besides verification of testimonials of the candidate, one will be offered to exercise option for Up-gradation to Choice-superior institute in subsequent rounds owing to creation of vacancy.
- The candidate exercising YES to Up-gradation facility can in subsequent round STOP one’s Up-gradation by exercising NO to Up-gradation at the Reporting Centre but vice-versa will be prohibited;
- Candidate willing to avail Up-gradation facility needs to report to the Reporting Centre and get admitted in the respective institution to which he/she has been allotted and exercise Up-gradation facility;
- Such candidates will be informed during subsequent rounds about their status of Up-gradation. Thereafter they need to report to the finally allotted institute only;
- Candidates so allotted need to deposit at any of the Reporting Centre during remote admission a crossed Demand Draft drawn on WBJEEB payable at Kolkata for an amount of Rs. 4,000/- for candidates allotted under TFW Quota irrespective of the nature of institute, Rs. 5,000/- for candidates taking admission in Government Engineering Colleges and University Departments and Rs. 40,000/- for candidates taking admission in Private / Self-financing Colleges;
- At the time of reporting to the respective finally allotted institute, the candidate would be required to deposit the difference in admission fee deducting the amount of admission already deposited at the Reporting Centre.
- The revised fee structure for the Private/Self-financing institutes has been notified by the Government which is marginally higher than the last year. The increase is by Rs. 5,000/- over four (4) years of study for students taking admission in 2012 – 2013 Academic Year, which has been slightly increased by Rs. 2,000/- upto Rs. 72,000/- for the 1st Year, by Rs. 2,000/- upto Rs. 74,000/- for the 2nd Year, by Rs. 1,000/- for the 3rd Year and remaining unchanged for the 4th Year.
- Furthermore, candidates who will not be allotted out of Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme yet having yearly family income less than Rs. 2,50,000/-; will have the option to apply, at Reporting Centre, for inclusion under West Bengal Free-ship Scheme in all Government Engineering Colleges, all University Departments and such Private/Self-financing Institutes which have admitted students under Management Quota. Original Yearly Family Income Certificate will be verified at the Reporting Centre and such students will be merit listed after final allocation into such institutes wherein full tuition fee for students numbering 10% of total intake of the said institute will be waived while half tuition fee will be waived for another half.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Actual Admission at Finally Allotted Institute
Admission at Finally Allotted Institute:
- After completion of third round of allocation of seats and also the reporting at the Reporting Centre; the successful candidates need to report to the finally allotted institute;
- All such institutes are then required to update the data of reporting at their respective institutes by 31st of July, 2012, based on which the final vacancy position for each institute will be generated by this process and intimated to all concerned and
- All such institutes
having such vacancy may exercise option thereafter to fill the vacancy through
Decentralised Counseling process.
Personal Experience:
See I gave WBJEE 2012 so at that time
we were given only one final allotted seat. Whatever seat a student will get
he/she has to take it or can go for up gradation. A student can go for only one up – gradation.
So it was little difficult for us because before 2012 when there was no e-counseling
the students used to get choices and also used to get a brief idea of the
subject they are getting in a college. Among them he/she could chose the
college. But now…this is the main disadvantage of e-counseling.
In the RCs you have to submit Xerox
with attested done by the councilor or Gazetted officer or any competent
authority of the following documents:
- Allotment Letter (printed and to be brought by the candidate) along with JEM-2012 and/or AIEEE-2012 Admit Card;
- Madhyamik or 10th standard ADMIT CARD (for age verification)
- Madhyamik or 10th standard MARKSHEET (for English subject mark verification)
- Uccha Madhyamik or 10+2 standard MARKSHEET (for subjects' marks verification)
- Caste Certificate (for SC / ST category verification)
- Physically Challenged Certificate (for PH category verification)
- e-Challan receipt (for verification of Registration fee submission. If the board copy is available than you don’t have to Xerox and attest it)
Following forms should be downloaded from the website for
e-Counselling (i.e., filled up duly and brought
to the Reporting Centre) MANDATORILY:-
- Requisite form for exercising option: YES / NO TO UPGRADATION
- Requisite form for exercising YES TO WBFS (for applying to be covered under West Bengal Free-ship Scheme, the form is to be annexed with the ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME CERTIFICATE having photograph of the candidate and signed by competent authority)
- Requisite form of DECLARATION, if the candidate is
allotted seat under TFW Quota (verification of TFW criterion is not required,
only declaration duly signed by the candidate is to be kept in the file)
The candidate MUST KEEP the following in the file:-
- Crossed Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of WEST BENGAL JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS BOARD
- Rs. 4000/- for candidate allotted under TFW quota in ANY institute
- Rs. 5000/- for seat allotted in Govt. Engg. College or in University Departments
- Rs. 40,000/- for candidate allotted in Private and Self financing Colleges/Institutes.
You don’t have to bring any file. The RC centers will give
you a file and in that
you have to keep all your documents.
you have to keep all your documents.
Following forms/declarations MUST be kept in the file by
the Reporting Centre Officials:-
- Form/Declaration for WITHDRAWAL, to be generated by the system during RC operation
- Any other form as may deem fit
The candidate is ALLOWED to change the following entries
during Admission Process:-
Provided the candidate submits proper and authentic
documents in support of one's claim.
The candidate is FURTHER ALLOWED to change any of the
following information if ALLOTTED under RELATED CATEGORY:-
- RELIGION, if seat has been allotted from MINORITY quota (if candidate is allotted from SIKH minority quota and candidate is found to have religion other than Sikh; the RELIGION of the candidate shall be changed to relevant one and the seat allotment shall be Cancelled
- CATEGORY, if seat has been allotted from any reserved category like, SC, ST or PH CATEGORY and candidate is found not having the requisite certificate to prove the said Category; the CATEGORY of the candidate shall be changed to OPEN category and the seat allotment shall be Cancelled
- TFW, if seat has been allotted under TFW quota and candidate is found not having the requisite declaration in support of the said allotment and desires to change his quota; the same TFW quota of the candidate shall be changed to OPEN or NON TFW category and the seat allotment shall be Cancelled
- DETAILS OF MARKS, if any candidate wrongly fills marks in one's registration details besides for those whose Results were Incomplete during registration; the DETAILS OF MARKS of that candidate shall be changed / corrected / updated based on valid mark-sheet and the candidature and / or allotment of seat MAY REMAIN or MAY GET CANCELLED
For visiting the RCs I would suggest you to go to Salt
Lake if it is easy to go because Salt Lake has 4 RCs so the crowd will be
dispersed into the four places. So you can get over with your work very easily
and very quickly. It will be better if you go to Jadavpur University, Salt Lake
Campus because in that same area Goverment
College Of Engineering And Leather Technology is located which is also an RC.
So before going to RCs just do a little bit planning….but still I would say
that it is less time consuming and less painful to stand in the queue than the
early counseling process.
it all the things very carefully in the RCs because a single mistake can ruin
your life. Check carefully all the details especially the DD Details on the
final letter which the RCs will give you.
Luck For The Future
Saturday, 30 June 2012
List of Reporting Centre
of Reporting Centre
Reporting Centre Name
1 Bengal Engineering & Science
University, Shibpur, Howrah
2 Jadavpur University, Jadavpur,
3 Burdwan University, Burdwan
4 Coochbehar Government Polytechnic,
5 Uttar Banga Viswavidyalaya,
Siliguri, Darjeeling
6 West Bengal University Of
Technology, Saltlake, Kolkata
7 Central Calcutta (Govt)
Polytechnic, Kolkata
8 Gour Banga Viswavidyalaya, Malda
9 Vidyasagar University, Medinipur
10 Govt. College Of Engineering
& Ceramic Technology, Beleghata, Kolkata
11 Govt. College Of Engineering
& Textile Technology, Serampore, Hooghli
12 Govt. College Of Engineering
& Textile Technology, Berhampur, Murshidabad
13 Goverment College Of Engineering
And Leather Technology, Saltlake, Kolkata
14 Jalpaiguri Goverment Engineering
College, Jalpaiguri
15 Kalyani Goverment Engineering
College, Kalyani, Nadia
16 Bishnupur Kgei Govt. Polytechnic,
Bishnupur, Bankura
17 Purulia Govt. Polytechnic,
18 Raigunj Govt. Polytechnic,
Raigunj, North Dinajpur
19 Contai Govt. Polytechnic, Contai,
Purba Medinipur
20 Darjeeling Govt. Polytechnic,
Kurseong, Darjeeling
21 Suri Srsv Govt. Polytechnic,
Suri, Birbhum
22 Asansol Govt. Polytechnic,
Asansol, Burdwan
23 Haldia Govt. Polytechnic, Haldia,
Purba Medinipur
24 Jadavpur University, Saltlake
Campus, Saltlake City, Kolkata
25 Malda Govt. Polytechnic, Malda
26 Tripura Women’s Polytechnic,
Agartala, Tripura
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