Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Allotment of Seat and Remote Admission at Reporting Centre

Allotment of Seat and Remote Admission at Reporting Centre:
  1. The locked choices will be considered on the basis of Merit Rank of the Student vis-à-vis the choice exercised by the candidate besides availability of seats in the respective category and allotment will be made thereof.
  2. A choice given by a higher ranked candidate will be given preference over the lower ranked one.
  3. Benefits of reservation will be extended as per extant provisions of the Government of West Bengal, in vogue;
  4. A candidate must exercise maximum number of choice for better placement;
  5. Candidates having both AIR of AIEEE 2012 and JEM 2012 and given a single set of choices during Choice-filling shall be allotted a seat which will be Choice-superior in one’s set of choices through allocation process considering all seats under both AIEEE and JEM.
  6. On being allotted a seat amongst approximately 32,000 in the state; the candidate will be intimated through SMS, e-mail, if provided otherwise by posting on their respective web-page which one can access by using securely generated User-id and Password;
  7. After such allocation, a candidate willing to get admitted should approach any one of the twenty-five Reporting Centre in West Bengal and one in Tripura at Agartala;
  8. At Reporting Centre, besides verification of testimonials of the candidate, one will be offered to exercise option for Up-gradation to Choice-superior institute in subsequent rounds owing to creation of vacancy.
  9. The candidate exercising YES to Up-gradation facility can in subsequent round STOP one’s Up-gradation by exercising NO to Up-gradation at the Reporting Centre but vice-versa will be prohibited;
  10. Candidate willing to avail Up-gradation facility needs to report to the Reporting Centre and get admitted in the respective institution to which he/she has been allotted and exercise Up-gradation facility;
  11. Such candidates will be informed during subsequent rounds about their status of Up-gradation. Thereafter they need to report to the finally allotted institute only;
  12. Candidates so allotted need to deposit at any of the Reporting Centre during remote admission a crossed Demand Draft drawn on WBJEEB payable at Kolkata for an amount of Rs. 4,000/- for candidates allotted under TFW Quota irrespective of the nature of institute, Rs. 5,000/- for candidates taking admission in Government Engineering Colleges and University Departments and Rs. 40,000/- for candidates taking admission in Private / Self-financing Colleges;
  13. At the time of reporting to the respective finally allotted institute, the candidate would be required to deposit the difference in admission fee deducting the amount of admission already deposited at the Reporting Centre.
  14. The revised fee structure for the Private/Self-financing institutes has been notified by the Government which is marginally higher than the last year. The increase is by Rs. 5,000/- over four (4) years of study for students taking admission in 2012 – 2013 Academic Year, which has been slightly increased by Rs. 2,000/- upto Rs. 72,000/- for the 1st Year, by Rs. 2,000/- upto Rs. 74,000/- for the 2nd Year, by Rs. 1,000/- for the 3rd Year and remaining unchanged for the 4th Year.
  15. Furthermore, candidates who will not be allotted out of Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme yet having yearly family income less than Rs. 2,50,000/-; will have the option to apply, at Reporting Centre, for inclusion under West Bengal Free-ship Scheme in all Government Engineering Colleges, all University Departments and such Private/Self-financing Institutes which have admitted students under Management Quota. Original Yearly Family Income Certificate will be verified at the Reporting Centre and such students will be merit listed after final allocation into such institutes wherein full tuition fee for students numbering 10% of total intake of the said institute will be waived while half tuition fee will be waived for another half.

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